There are three types of pensions offered veterans:
Basic,Housebound, Aid and Attendance
Housebound means that you can care for your basic needs, such as cooking or bathing, but need to have someone go to the grocery store for you or take you to doctor's appointments.
Aid and Attendance means that someone must assist you with certain personal tasks, such as bathing, cooking, feeding, or personal toiletries.
We always suggest going for the higher of the two pensions. We have discovered that if you are Housebound, there are usually more ADLs (Assisted Daily Living) issues than you realized. The following list has the acceptable ADLs:
Veteran requires the aid of another person in order to perform personal functions required in everyday living, such as bathing, feeding, dressing, attending to the wants of nature, adjusting prosthetic devices, or protecting yourself from the hazards of your daily environment
Veteran is bedridden, in that your disability or disabilities requires that you remain in bed apart from any prescribed course of convalescence or treatment
Veteran is a patient in a nursing home due to mental or physical incapacity
Veteran’s eyesight is limited to a corrected 5/200 visual acuity or less in both eyes; or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less